Rock's prototypical aestbetes soon became self-conscious would-be revolutionaries. The emergence of its own Rockspeak belped spark the engine in the revolution-macbine and the period 1967-77 marleed a series of actions and reactions to rock's new-found conceits. Having come of age, it returned to adolescence and suffered its frst ft of
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Beginning witb the Summer of Love, centred on the San Francisco scene but paralleled by England's own folle'n'blues_in-rock-form boom. rock began its mutations in earnest. In the walze of Folk Rock came
Country Rock, Jazz Rock, Prog Roclz. Soft Rock, Hard Rock - indeed
Anyl;eindarock - before the inevitable reaction: Glam Rock
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'You Say You Wanna Revolutiona' deals witb tbis decade of sbifting
sands, from Ricbard Goldstein writing about a nascent scene in San
Francisco. praying tbat it will not allow temptation to dilute lofty
ideals; tbroug~Jon Landau despairing at the impasse tbat roclz. music
bad seemingly reacbed by the early seventies; to Pete Fowler attempting
to fgure out wbere the divisions bad begun by examining the stratas
of Englisb teen-culture.
Wbicb brings us to the acolytes of punk.: Caroline Coon, at the bub
of Englisb punlz, and James Wolcott, witness to the early flowering of
American punk at CBGB, write
kid jordans grey,white and purple of a new generation reaaly to sweep
rock's pretensions away, returning the music to some imaginary
golden age. Paul Morley prefers to look forward to a new
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rekindled rock ~-y roll tbat will endure despite the continued presence
of the going-tbru-tbe-motions-mercbants.
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